Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This is the final question in the first session!!

Do you still enjoy the life in KNUE? I'm sad that I have 3 tests in this week. I usually lose my sunny disposition right before any kind of tests. However, this time, I found one bright side that I can't prepare them in advance since their topics are too general or not mentioned. All I need to do is just take a good sleep at night. ^^

Actually, it's not the tests that finally get to me. It is a short(very shooooort) vacation I'm going to get before the second session starts. Let's talk about the holidays and be happy instead of being tortured with anxiety about the tests.

This is the final question!
How will you spend your holidays? Do you have any specific plans?

I'll try to do something I can't even give it a try on usual days. I plan to go to a fancy restaurant, VIPS for lunch on next Tuesday. Then, I can get plenty of discounts there. ^^

Everybody, break a leg in the tests and I hope you have great holidays after those.